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865 West Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101
FAX: 619-239-6129

 Hours:  Daily 9:30am - 9pm

With a wave of inferno covering the walls, Hot Licks is a place where all your hottest desires can be met. As you walk into this steamy store you are surrounded by four walls of fire.

The first wall is home to over 150 different types of hot sauce, with a range of sauces from around the world. DaBomb is a sauce that has the strength to bring tears to the eyes of the mightiest. On another wall of flame you can find brands such as "Ass Kickin" which is spicy enough to "Kick Yo' Ass!" There are sauces from Belize, Trinidad, and Costa Rica, which have been known to make some do the Cha Cha!

The next wall of hotness holds salsas. JC's Midnight took 1st place for Best Salsa at the annual Fiery Food Festival. The final wall is where you will find accessories such as candy and seasonings. It's a great way to have a little heat whenever your taste buds crave excitement. Seasoning at Hot Licks such as Pilarcita’s and Foreplay are an interesting way to "play with fire."

As you turn to the center of the store, your eyes discover America's finest Hot Sauce, Ring of Fire. This San Diego produced sauce is a mainstay at Hot Licks, making instant and lasting impressions to all who take a sample. Looking for some heat in you life? Come visit Hot Licks. Give your mouth a chance to dance in the marvel of spice.  

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